

Aujourd'hui Rating: 7,3/10 9269 votes
  1. Aujourd'hui C'est Mon Jour
  2. Aujourd'hui Au Faso
  3. Aujourd'hui C'est Ton Jour Happy Birthday
  4. Aujourd'hui Le Maroc
  5. Hier

Aujourd’hui translate: today, today, today, today. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary. English Translation of “aujourd’hui” The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases.


Aujourd'hui (French: [oʒuʁdɥi], Today) was a daily newspaper which styled itself as 'independent' and which was created in August 1940 by Henri Jeanson, to replace le Canard enchaîné under agreement with the Germans.The first issue appeared on 10 September, 1940. In November 1940, the German authorities pressured the director into taking a public position against the Jews and in favour of politics of collaboration with the Vichy regime. Jeanson resigned, and was succeeded by the journalist Georges Suarez. Aujourd'hui was far from innocent in its pursuit of those responsible for the 1940 defeat of France, resorting to the myth of the 'clean sweep of the broom' in its notorious Anglophobia. It began to reflect the narrative of Marshal Philippe Pétain and of German propaganda. The paper was in favour of the Riom trials which were set up to punish the members of the pre-war government who were allegedly responsible for France's defeat in 1940.Georges Suarez was shot in 1944.


'Aujourd'hui le Roi des Cieux' is the French version of 'The First Noel.' The two are sung to the same tune, but the words are different. The translation given here is the literal translation of the Christmas carol 'Aujourd'hui le Roi des Cieux.'

Aujourd'hui C'est Mon Jour

The song has been covered by a variety of popular French artists, including Michaël, but the French version of 'The First Noel' is most commonly sung today by a church and lay choirs.


Aujourd'hui Au Faso

The History of 'The First Noel'

'The First Noel' very likely began as a song that was passed along orally and sung in the streets outside of churches, since early Christian congregants participated little in the Catholic mass. The term Noël in the French version (Noel in English) apparently derives from a Latin word for news. Thus, the song is about a crier, in this case, an angel, spreading the good news that Jesus Christ (le Roi des Cieux) is born.


Aujourd'hui C'est Ton Jour Happy Birthday

Although thought to be a 18th-century English carol, the structure of 'The First Noel' resembles that of medieval French epic poems, chansons de geste like La Chanson de Roland memorializing the Charlemagne legends; these poems were likewise not written down. The song was not transcribed until 1823 when it was published in London as part of an early anthology called Some Ancient Christmas Carols. The English title appears in The Cornish Songbook (1929), which could mean 'The First Noel' originated in Cornwall, situated across the Channel from France.


Christmashymns, on the other hand, were written down as early as the 4th century A.D. in the form of Latin songs glorifying the concept of Jesus Christ as the son of God, an important element of orthodox Christian theology at the time. Many hymns were drawn, for instance, from the 12 long poems of the fourth-century Roman poet and jurist Aurelius Clemens Prudentius.

French Lyrics and English Translation

Here is the French version of 'The First Noel' and the English translation:
Aujourd'hui le Roi des Cieux au milieu de la nuit
Voulut naître chez nous de la Vierge Marie
Pour sauver le genre humain, l'arracher au péché
Ramener au Seigneur ses enfants égarés.

Today the King of Heaven in the middle of the night
Was born on Earth of the Virgin Mary
To save the human race, pull it from sin
Return the Lord's lost children to him.
Noël, Noël, Noël, Noël

Jésus est né, chantons Noël !
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Jesus is born, let us sing Noel!
En ces lieux durant la nuit demeuraient les bergers
Qui gardaient leurs troupeaux dans les champs de Judée
Or, un ange du Seigneur apparut dans les cieux
Et la gloire de Dieu resplendit autour d'eux.

In these parts during the night stayed the shepherds
Who kept their flocks in Judea's fields
Now, an angel of the Lord appeared in the skies
And the glory of God glowed around them.
L'ange dit : « Ne craignez pas ; soyez tous dans la joie
Un Sauveur vous est né, c'est le Christ, votre Roi
Près d'ici, vous trouverez dans l'étable, couché
D'un lange emmailloté, un enfant nouveau-né ».

The angel said, 'Do not fear; everyone be joyful
A Savior is born to you, it's Christ, your King
Nearby, you will find in the stable, put to bed
Wrapped up in a flannel blanket, a newborn child.'


Aujourd'hui Le Maroc

Your Citation


ThoughtCo. 'The Fascinating Story and Lyrics of 'The First Noel' in French.' ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, thoughtco.com/aujourdhui-leroi-des-cieux-french-christmas-1368139.ThoughtCo. (2020, August 27). The Fascinating Story and Lyrics of 'The First Noel' in French. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/aujourdhui-leroi-des-cieux-french-christmas-1368139ThoughtCo. 'The Fascinating Story and Lyrics of 'The First Noel' in French.' ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/aujourdhui-leroi-des-cieux-french-christmas-1368139 (accessed February 2, 2021).