Dry needling is an effective Physical Therapy intervention for the treatment of muscle pain and injury. Our previous post described a recent review article supporting its' use for the reduction of short term pain and disability in multiple body parts including the spine and hip. Painful trigger points and muscle pain can also be treated with corticosteroid injections performed by physicians with similar intentions of short term pain relief. A recent study compared the effects of dry needling and steroid injections for the treatment of lateral hip pain (greater trochanter pain syndrome).
The objective of Dry Needling is to attain a regional twitch response to launch muscle tension and pain. Dry needling is an effective treatment for chronic pain of neuropathic origin with few side effects. This method is unequalled in finding and eliminating neuromuscular dysfunction that leads to pain and practical deficits. Epidural corticosteroid shots (injections) may give you short-term relief from back pain that runs down your leg. On average, pain relief from the shots lasts about 3 months. But that may be.
Dry Shot For Back Pain
Greater trochanter pain syndrome is a diagnostic term used to include many injuries to the outer hip including glut muscle and tendon pain, bursitis, and hip muscle tears. Steroid injections are commonly performed in this area to reduce pain and allow an easier transition into Physical Therapy. Brennan and colleagues in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy compared the effects of steroid injections to dry needling for patients with lateral hip pain (2017). 50 hips were randomized to one of the two treatments including either dry needling or steroid injection for up to 6 weeks based on provider choice. The study showed similar results between groups for either dry needling or steroid injection at short and long term follow up. The authors report dry needling is a viable treatment alternative for hip pain.
Contact your local Physical Therapist to learn more about dry needling for hip pain
Lidocaine Shots For Back Pain
Treatment for myofascial pain syndrome typically includes medications, trigger point injections or physical therapy. No conclusive evidence supports using one therapy over another, but exercise is considered an important component of any treatment program. Dry needling (DN) is a unique treatment option for chronic low back pain. DN is a procedure in which filiform needles—needles commonly used in acupuncture—are used to deactivate myofascial trigger points (MTrPs). These trigger points are discrete, focal, hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle.