
Occasion Arises

Occasion Arises Rating: 5,8/10 4108 votes
  1. Instead, employees lead each other as the occasion arises, so there is no formal hierarchy or organizational chart. This type of leadership is most effective when: employees learn to influence others through their enthusiasm, logical analysis, and involvement of others in their vision.
  2. When an occasion arises to thank someone for being them, take it. Gorman’s article prompts me to think that whenever an opportunity arises to let someone know how much difference they make.
  3. Occasion Arises synonyms. Top synonyms for occasion arises (other words for occasion arises) are opportunity knocks, opportunity arises and opportunity presents itself.
  4. As occasion arises meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'on occasion',have occasion',sense of occasion',rise to the occasion', Reverso dictionary, English simple definition, English vocabulary.
  1. The Definition Of Occasion
  2. Should The Occasion Arise
  3. If The Occasion Arises Define
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Occasion Arises synonyms. Top synonyms for occasion arises (other words for occasion arises) are opportunity knocks, opportunity arises and opportunity presents itself.

If the occasion arises define

The Definition Of Occasion

engelska svenska

if the occasion arises


SNE is entitled to transfer them to new members of CELF if the occasion arises.
SNE kan sälja dem till vem som helst som kommer in som ny medlem i CELF om tillfälle erbjuds.
Generaldirektören och den ställföreträdande general-direktören skall utses och i förekommande fall avsättas av kommissionen
And I have no doubt that some day in the future they will be back again if the occasion arises.
Jag hyser inga tvivel om att de en vacker dag återkommer om tillfälle ges.
When informing other Member States of approvals issued or, if the occasion should arise, withdrawn, a Member State shall use copies of that certificate.
När en medlemsstat informerar andra medlemsstater om utfärdade typgodkännanden eller om eventuellt återkallade sådana, skall den använda kopior av detta intyg.
When informing other Member States of approvals issued or, if the occasion should arise, withdrawn, a Member State shall use copies of that certificate
När andra medlemsstater informeras om utfärdade typgodkännanden eller om eventuellt återkallade sådana, skall en medlemsstat använda kopior av detta intyg
When informing other Member States of approvals issued or, if the occasion should arise, withdrawn, a Member State shall use copies of that certificate.
When informing other Member States of approvals issued or, if the occasion should arise, withdrawn, a Member State shall use copies of that certificate.
När en medlemsstat informerar andra medlemsstater om utfärdade typgodkännanden eller om eventuellt återkallade sådana, ska den använda kopior av detta intyg.
When informing other Member States of approvals issued or, if the occasion should arise, withdrawn, a Member State shall use copies of that certificate.
Define occasion arises
När andra medlemsstater informeras om utfärdade typgodkännanden eller om eventuellt återkallade sådana, skall en medlemsstat använda kopior av detta intyg.
68 Similarly, the provisions of Chapter VI which, if the occasion arises, allow derogations to be made from the commercial mechanism for balancing supply against demand established by the Treaty (see paragraphs 62 to 64 above) give this power only to the Agency and to the Commission or to the Council.
68 På samma sätt innebär bestämmelserna i kapitel 6, enligt vilka det är möjligt att vid behov avvika från den handelsmekanism med balansering av tillgång och efterfrågan som inrättats genom fördraget endast en möjlighet för byrån och för kommissionen eller för rådet (se ovan, punkt 62-64).
If the occasion arises, this situation shall be assessed on the basis of facts verifiable from sources available to the public, in the light of the circumstances of each case and after an investigation in which each side has the opportunity to submit its case and reply to the case of the other side
I detta fall bedöms situationen på grundval av ett faktaunderlag som kan verifieras i källor som är tillgängliga för allmänheten beroende på omständigheterna i det enskilda fallet samt efter en kontradiktorisk undersökning
92 In a series of cases, (46) the Court has had to rule on whether the grant of certain social benefits, accorded by way of supplement to social security benefits, was compatible with the rules of Regulation No 1408/71, that it to say whether, if the occasion arises, the residence clause should be waived.
92 Domstolen har i en rad mål(46) haft att avgöra frågan om huruvida beviljandet av vissa sociala förmåner, som beviljats utöver sociala trygghetsförmåner, följer bestämmelserna i förordning nr 1408/71, det vill säga om hemvistklausulen i förekommande fall skall upphävas.
If the occasion arises, this situation shall be assessed on the basis of facts verifiable from sources available to the public, in the light of the circumstances of each case and after an investigation in which each side has the opportunity to submit its case and reply to the case of the other side.
I detta fall bedöms situationen på grundval av ett faktaunderlag som kan verifieras i källor som är tillgängliga för allmänheten beroende på omständigheterna i det enskilda fallet samt efter en kontradiktorisk undersökning.

Should The Occasion Arise

However, if the occasion might arise when Jesus’ listeners would desire to fast, they were to ‘grease their heads and wash their faces,’ that is, look normal.
Men om det skulle hända sig att de som lyssnade till Jesus skulle vilja fasta, då skulle de smörja huvudet och tvätta ansiktet, dvs. se helt ”normala” ut.

If The Occasion Arises Define

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