Plotsquared Road Schematics Rating: 9,6/10 5203 votes

Sets the current road schematic to the roads around the plot you are currently standing in. /plot debugroadregen plot Regenerate all roads based on the road schematic. /plot delete Give up ownership and abandon the plot you are currently standing in. /plot deny Prevent the specified player from entering your plot. PlotSquared has been free and open sourced since 2014. Overall PlotSquared has half a million downloads and is a mandatory part to lots of servers. Posting it as premium resource allows us to spend more time developing it.

Hi everyone, I mainly post it on Discord, but the admin told me thats its how the road schematic system was made. It rotate it instead of copy-paste the roads schematic. I would like to know if its possible to implement a per plot sche. Twitter Discord Discord. Step 4: Generating a new plotworld named plotworld2 with the custom road The next step is a little bit tricky. First of all you need to go in your servers plugins directory. Than go to the directory of the plugin PlotSquared and than in the folder called schematics. In this folder you have another folder called GENROADSCHEMATIC.

Nov 29th, 2015
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Plotsquared Road Schematics Free

  1. Allow a player to build while you are online
  2. Claim the nearest plot
  3. Mark a plot as done / finished
  4. Buy the plot you are standing on
  5. Toggle plot chat on or off
  6. Claim the current plot you are standing on
  7. Clear a plot
  8. Manage a plot cluster
  9. Comment on a plot
  10. Condense a plotworld
  11. * This may require consle *
  12. /plot confirm
  13. ( plots.use )
  14. /plot continue
  15. Continue a plot that was previously marked as done.
  16. Related commands: /plot done
  17. /plot copy <X;Z>
  18. ( plots.copy )
  19. /plot createroadschematic
  20. Add a road schematic to your world using roads around your current plot
  21. Convert/Backup Storage
  22. * May require consle *
  23. /plot debug [Message]
  24. ( plots.admin )
  25. /plot debugallowunsafe
  26. ( plots.debugallowunsafe )
  27. /plot debugclaimtest
  28. If you accidentally delete your database, this command will attempt to restore all plots based on the data from plot sighs.
  29. ( plots.debugclaimtest )
  30. /plot debugexec
  31. ( plots.admin )
  32. /plot debugfixflags <world>
  33. ( plots.debugfixflags )
  34. This debug command will force the reload of all plots in the DB.
  35. * May require consle *
  36. /plot debugpaste
  37. ( plots.debugpaste )
  38. /plot debugroadregen
  39. ( plots.debugroadregen )
  40. /plot debugsavetest
  41. This command will force the recreation of all plots in the DB
  42. * May require consle *
  43. /plot delete
  44. ( plots.delete )
  45. /plot deny <player>
  46. ( plots.deny )
  47. /plot done
  48. /plot done
  49. Download your plot
  50. Get this help menu
  51. Go to your plot
  52. Review the comments for a plot
  53. Related commands: /plot comment
  54. /plot info <id>
  55. ( )
  56. /plot kick
  57. ( plots.kick )
  58. /plot list
  59. ( plots.list )
  60. /plot restore
  61. ( plots.load )
  62. /plot merge [direction]
  63. Merge the plot you are standing on with another plot
  64. move a plot
  65. Player music in a plot
  66. Show plugin information
  67. Purge all plots for a world
  68. * May require consle *
  69. /plot rate [# next]
  70. ( plots.rate )
  71. /plot regenallroads <world>
  72. Regenerate all roads in the map using the set road schematic
  73. Reload configurations
  74. Remove a player from a plot
  75. Save your plot
  76. Schematic command
  77. Set a plot value
  78. Set the plot name
  79. Set the plot biome
  80. Set the plot description
  81. Set plot flags
  82. Set the plot home
  83. Set the plot owner
  84. Setup wizard for plot worlds.
  85. Swap two plots
  86. Target a plot with your compass
  87. /plot template [import export] <world> <template>
  88. ( plots.admin )
  89. /plot toggle <setting>
  90. ( plots.use )
  91. /plot tp <alias id>
  92. ( )
  93. /plot trim
  94. ( plots.admin )
  95. Allow a player to build in a plot
  96. Unclaim a plot
  97. Remove a denied user from a plot
  98. Unlink a mega-plot
  99. Remove a user from a plot
  100. Related commands: /plot trust
  101. /plot update
  102. ( plots.admin )
  103. /plot visit <player alias world id>
  104. ( plots.visit )
  105. /plot weanywhere
  106. ( plots.worldedit.bypass )
  107. That's all of the commands, Enjoy.
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Plotsquared Road Schematics Download