Fishing there has produced a good catch of snook, although most are over the slot size. Snook season comes to a close May 31 until it re-opens Sept. It may have suffered a dive in popularity now that we have a 32-inch maximum size on snook on this coast, but plenty of slot-size fish still fall to the 1⁄2- to 2-ounce sizes.
Slot limit of not less than 24' or more than 34'; closed seasons are December 15-January 31and June, July and August of each year; limit of 2 fish per person per day with one fishallowed to be greater 34'; snook permit required in addition to saltwater fishing license;
General Information
Snook may be the perfect gamefish. It is a tremendous fighter, requires skill to land and is oneof the best eating fish you'll ever taste. Primarily inshore fish, snook don't travel the vastdistance that other species are noted for. Most snook, often referred to as linesiders, spawnfrom April to October in the offshore waters near passes and inlets. The juvenile fish thatsurvive those first few weeks of life in the open water eventually move into the estuarieswhere the fish most their lives. The fish can tolerate fresh water for extended periods of timeand it is not unheard of for anglers fishing in fresh water areas that eventually connect to thecoastal waters to catch snook when fishing for largemouth bass.
There are four species of snook but anglers don't need to worry about distinguishing onespecies from another. Three species, the fat snook, swordspine snook, and tarpon snook, neverget larger than 18 inches so if caught, would have to be immediately released due to their size. Angler are after the common snook, a fish that can grow to the size of a small log and weighover 30 pounds.
Snook are warm water fish This limits their distribution to the waters south of Tampa Bayalong the west coast and south of Cape Canaveral along the east coast. When the watertemperatures drop below about 60 degrees, snook head for warmer waters. This is the reasonfor the December and January closed seasons. The fish become very lethargic when the wateris cold and can easily be exploited by unethical anglers. At the northern range of the fish,some individuals die if they cannot find a warm water refuge. Snook are most commonlycaught in protected waters and passes. They prefer to hang around overhanging mangroves,dock pilings, and any submerged structure. Some fish are caught in the nearshore waters overreefs and other structure.
Tackle and Techniques
A medium weight spinning or bait-casting rod and reel with 8 to 20 pound test line is a goodidea. Snook are strong fighters. When fishing in areas where there is an abundance of cover,stick to tackle at the heavier end of this range. This fish is noted for its ability to run towardssubmerged structures and cut you off. It is also essential that you use a heavy monofilamentleader, in the 40 to 80 pound range, to reduce break-offs caused by the fish cutting the linewith their sharp gill covers.
Snook like to rest in an eddy and wait for the moving water to bring them food. For thisreason, you will find anglers fishing for snook where the tidal flow is strong and there areeddies for the fish to use.
Snook Fishing Season Dates
Snook will eat anything that looks good to them and is in range when they are hungry. Theirfavorite food is a small live fish, but live shrimp and small crabs are seldom turned down. Anglers should learn to use cast nets if they don't already know so that they can net their ownbait. Usually you can freeline a bait fish and let it drift with the current. Occasionally a splitshot is added to the line in areas where the current is especially strong.
Artificial lures are also popular baits for snook. Both soft and hard bodied lures shaped likebaitfish, jigs tipped with shrimp and gold or silver spoons are traditional favorites. MirrOluresand Zara Spooks are two of the more popular brand names that you hear many when talkingabout catching snook. Ask at a local bait and tackle store which size, style and colorscombination is working best at the moment.
When fishing for snook, cast your bait as close to the structure or shoreline as possible. Snookoften will pass up a good looking meal if it doesn't pass right in front of its nose. Top snookanglers have good casting skills and can skip a bait underneath an overhanging mangrovebranch without getting hung up.
Secrets to Success
* Fish at night for snook. Look for lights on docks and along seawalls that are close to thewater. Snook will lurk in the shadows and dart out into the light when they see a meal swimby. Since small bait fish are attracted to the light and they are the snook's favorite meal yourchances of finding snook around any light are pretty good.
* Anglers fishing from a seawall, dock or bridge that don't have a light, can dangle a Colemanlantern just above the water's surface. Once the light attracts the baitfish, the snook won't befar behind.
* When the water temperature drops into the 60s snook may move far up small tidal creeksand canals. Tolerant of freshwater they will move into these regions for brief periods. Look forthem to be in the deepest holes you can find and hope they are hungry.
Snook Fishing Season In Florida
Well the time has come and West coast snook season is upon us. It will be Important to every angler to review exactly what our local FWC will be expecting upon your return to the ramp. A pinched tail measurement is exactly what it means. When you place that fishes snout right at the zero mark on your ruler and pinch the tail to its maximum length, that’s the true size of your fish. This can help you on the low end of the slot 28″ and this can cost you a bunch of money and hassle on the top end of the slot 33″. There are lots of slot fish out there currently, and there will be lots of fisherman catching plenty of slot size fish. Remember though the rule is a law and a mistake of a quarter inch may cost you an absorbent amount financially. Tight lines Capt G